Why are big butt sex toys so popular?
Whether more attractive or better dressed, a sex torso doll with a big ass always excites men. If you ask how interesting sex doll review is, then this article will answer you from these three directions
1. Sex Dolls-Asses can be used for both vaginal and anal sex
2. The butt of the love dolls is light and can be easily rotated at any angle
3. Better than other sex toys (pocket pussy) because you can do BDSM spanking and it won't run away

If you're the type of person who enjoys both a big ass and anal and vaginal sex, a Big Ass Masturbator Torso might be the right type of torso sex doll for you. Big ass sex dolls are among the best-selling sex torso lines and are especially designed for lovers who want to have a big ass.
Ass torso sex dolls can be a better savings model
You can experience the pleasure of vaginal sex or explore anal sex.
Most men find big butt sex dildos attractive. Psychologists believe that men prefer women with lush hips over slender women because this complements the curved appearance of the spine. From an evolutionary perspective, a big, plump butt is also an attractive feature that has been considered necessary for many years.
The butt torso masturbator has a very good grip.
You can hold it while rotating it at any angle to enable thrust.
One of the great advantages of a big ass sex doll is that it is very realistic. Our sex torsos come in all shapes, sizes (large or small) and colors to suit every fetish.
Regardless of the position, sex with a big butt masturbator is always a pleasure. The huge hips twist and turn rhythmically with your touch, culminating in a unique visual experience.
The butt of each love doll offers you a unique visual experience. The buttocks are large and firm so they don't wobble too much and are easy to handle.
Lately, big-chested sex torsos have been the talk of the town on social media. Many people are curious about the reasons for their popularity. These sex dolls are believed to have a curvier and more realistic look, which can result in a more realistic experience. Also, some people find this sex doll sexy because they have a fuller butt.