Sex doll torso Blowjobs
In the beginning, real doll torsos were just plastic plastic dolls that had little sexual appeal. However, the dolls are made from TPE and silicone plastics that feel more realistic. Adding steel joints also makes the doll more flexible, which further enhances the experience. The latest development in sex doll torsos is artificial intelligence, which allows these sex robots to respond with programmed responses during sex.
And although some prefer sex doll torsos over women, there are many different perks and things that each holds. The level of submissiveness as well as the convenience of love doll torsos sets them apart and sometimes makes them better than women.
Compare silicone doll blowjobs to that of a real woman?
sex doll torsos need lube, while women don't. Women naturally produce saliva, which is a natural lubricant during a blowjob. On the other hand, sex doll torsos don't have saliva, which means they need lube. sex doll torsos don't have a human sense of warmth, which makes the environment not as similar to a human experience. The human mouth is usually warm, which enhances the sexual experience.

However, sex doll torsos do not tire and do not need to gasp for air. This means that the blowjob is continuous and does not stop halfway. Women are great at giving blowjobs because their tongues are good to wiggle around. And even though the sex doll torso's tongue is designed to enhance the experience you can't really compare it to the effectiveness of the human tongue.
sex doll torsos are always there and will not deny giving a blowjob. Silicone dolls cannot argue with you, making them more submissive partners. This means that they will do whatever the owner asks and desires. Women may refuse the offer for various reasons, such as being uninterested, sick, tired, or unavailable due to work.
sex doll torsos are guaranteed to be clean when purchased new. Some women may develop infections or diseases that either affect the experience or pose a risk through contagious diseases. sex doll torsos are clean when first purchased and are usually cleaned between uses, ridding them of bad breath and infections.
Last but not least, there are many things that come into play when it comes to blowjobs. Both sex doll torsos and real women offer different deals in terms of availability, effectiveness, and safety of the experience. While sex doll torsos are available on a daily basis, women may not be due to work, illness, or lack of interest. So, real women are hard to beat when it comes to giving blowjobs, but sex doll torsos are always available and fun to do so.
Are you ready to try a lower body sex doll torso blow job? Take a look at our best selection of Fraudoll sex doll torsos. You can customize the size, hair color, breast size, face, feet, and hands of each lifelike sex doll torso to your liking. Email us at to learn more about your future sex doll torso, and we'll be happy to help!