How to Have a Healthy Sex Life Real Doll After 40?
Have you been worried these days? After 40, your metabolism slows down. Your knees start to creak. Your oomph has gone from a roar to a purr. But just because there is a certain reality that comes with the natural wear and tear of an aging body doesn't mean your days of folding the sheets are doomed. Read this passage and learn what you need to know to have a healthy sex life after 40. Make the switch to a healthy sex life through food and behavior.
Just do sex
One study found lower satisfaction with couples who had sex less than four times in the last four weeks. It's not that quantity equals quality, but you have to have quantity to have more quality. That would be the most important thing.

Eat some yellowfin
One of your greatest dietary allies: healthy fats, like those found in fish and nuts. Yellowfin helps lower inflammation, blood pressure and your lousy LDL cholesterol. When changed, they can help improve sexual function.
Eat some chili
Add plenty of hot peppers to the meal to increase testosterone levels.
Lift weights twice a week
Not only does resistance exercise help change your body weight and shape, but it also increases your testosterone. Testosterone is the key hormone for sex drive for both men and women. Resistance exercise helps increase muscle mass, which improves testosterone.
Eat more garlic
The stunning cloves have been shown to have artery-unclogging benefits.
Eat something with vitamin B
One study found a correlation between low levels of sexual function and low levels of folate. Foods with folate (vitamin B9): dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, and beans.
Keep quiet on the details
A British study looking at sexual satisfaction found that people's satisfaction was lower when they couldn't talk openly about sex with their partners.
Drink red wine
An Italian study found that those who drank one or two glasses of red wine a day had higher sexual satisfaction, and another study found that red wine drinkers had 30 percent less impotence.
Pose More
A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that yoga helped improve sexual dysfunction and libido. Other benefits come from practicing some poses: improved breathing and control, and more flexibility. Note: When joking before bed, don't double-type the words downward dog.
Speak romantically
A Chapman University study of sexual satisfaction in long-term couples found that those who were more sexually satisfied said "I love you" during sex.
Give me the 3 P's
The same Chapman University study found that sexually satisfied couples reported their sex was both passionate and playful. That's in addition to long-lasting - satisfying - trysts that lasted longer than 30 minutes, according to the research.
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Unite in regular doses
A small German study found that oxytocin - the bonding hormone stimulated in moments of togetherness - can increase orgasms and satisfaction after sex. That may make more hugs, more walks, more double-duty doing the dishes necessary.
Break the rut
"After many years of sex with the same person, the actual act of lovemaking can take on a certain predictability," says Cadell. Switch something up: The room, the position, the night of the week, the order you undress, the channel.
Never underestimate the power of a massage
Candles, oils, some background music. Nothing sets the mood like a good full body massage - for both of you.