Behind the sex doll torso there is a need and a loneliness
Loneliness is already a simple part of life, and they use the “house” mentality to hide the loneliness and the needs behind it.
The creation of the love doll torso experience is a new attempt to make us aware that the need for normal sex and the lack of spirituality is a serious social problem, and that a lack of normal ways out not accepted by society is being explored. Sex torso dolls as a new thing are humane, but challenge the moral boundaries of the public.

But it's not that easy for everyone. We are all different and we all have our own reasons for feeling lonely. For some of these people, real doll torsos can fill a void in their life that nothing else can.
There is a lot of debate about how well sex torso dolls cope with loneliness. Many people swear by it and feel that their life has improved significantly just by owning a real doll torso. Others believe that female torso sex toy contribute to loneliness because they can distance people even further from society and real people.