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What should everyone know about silicone dolls?

by My Store Admin 16 Aug 2024

We cannot resist a man out of his passion to watch FIFA World Cup and explore more about silicone dolls. They are the biggest fan of sex doll torsos on this earth. Their incredible love for these dolls makes them the biggest searchable product on the internet browser. We men are very much infatuated with sex products and especially when the product like sex doll torsos becomes the hottest sensation in the online world then who wants to resist from its magical touch. However, when the term doll is associated with sex, the question of doubt automatically arises.

Let us summarize all these questions to clear your doubts once and for all and help you know more scientific facts about these lifelike sex doll torsos.

1. Question: Is the material of the love doll torsos skin friendly?

This is the common question we all worried before getting intimate with an unknown person. And right now, this unknown person is a big doll? Well, in this regard, the manufacturers of the love doll torsos are very concerned and mark a statement that nothing is better for human skin than silicone which is non-porous in nature. It is absolutely skin friendly and non-allergic to humans. Therefore, the chances of anyone getting hurt by using silicone sex doll torsos are almost negligible.

2nd Question - Is she really a safe choice than brothels?

Humans are bound to all transmitted diseases, not the real replica (realistic doll). Since the texture of the doll is non-reactive in nature, it clearly means that you will not get clinically ejaculated (mainly AIDS). Your cost of a condom also bears nothing because she can never get pregnant. Consider her as your wife replica where silicone gives her skin a long-lasting and lifelike texture which is absolutely safe.

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3rd Question - Is the silicone smell weird?

No, definitely not. Why can a sex material ever smell disgusting when it comes to intensity, passion and wildness - which comes with a decent scent of your partner. Believe it, silicone is a purely odorless material and will never let you sense any weird smell from your love doll torso.

4. Question: Is it expensive?

This is the biggest myth that people have about sex doll hips. Not every product is expensive and the demand has increased a lot in the market. The sex doll torso manufacturer knows its necessity in the life of the human and decides to ensure its availability at an affordable price without compromising on quality.

Takeaway - In short, these silicone dolls are the attractive options to buy instead of risking life with prostitutes for the one night stand. Why spend one night when you can enjoy the whole night with a safe cum breathing option?

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