How do you clean a love doll torso?
"How should I clean a sex doll torso when I first buy it?" This is one of the most frequently asked questions about love dolls on websites. Love dolls are among the most expensive sex toys on the market, and many buyers take great care to protect their love dolls. Regular cleaning is required to maintain the appeal of your love doll, ensure proper hygiene and extend the life of your love doll.
If not cleaned properly, the doll's torso will become dirty and damaged, and the skin will deteriorate over time. Eventually, she may lose essential functionality and appeal. Cleaning your love doll helps maintain freshness and charm.
Well, many people know that the material of the doll's torso is mainly silicone and TPE. Maintenance methods vary depending on the material. Silicone dolls dry faster and are very easy to maintain, so they are less prone to damage. TPE dolls, on the other hand, are usually very cheap and more susceptible to damage if not properly maintained. In addition, if water penetrates into the doll's skin, bacteria can easily breed.
Cleaning the love doll torso is a very easy task. If you have the right tools, you can do it in a few minutes. Our store has compiled recommended cleaning tools for the love doll torso. I'll explain how to use each tool.

Cleaning the hole in True Love Doll’s torso
Many love doll torsos are equipped with up to three holes.
Depending on the model of the love doll's torso, the vagina can be removable or non-removable. They are usually easy to clean. While it's important to clean the entire body of your doll's torso, cleaning the openings can be more difficult. However, do not flush these openings.
When cleaning a removable vagina, the first step is to remove the used masturbator from the doll's torso, wash it with antibacterial soap, and then rinse it with clean water. And it is recommended to wipe with a dry towel. After cleaning, let it air dry. It's convenient to use another masturbation device after you're done. However, do not use a hair dryer as the heat can damage the doll's torso.
The best way to clean a sex doll torso that has a non-removable opening is to give the doll torso a bath. You can do this in the bathtub or shower. This method is the best way to clean your doll's torso because it's less tedious and more thorough. After cleaning the doll's torso, rinse it with a cleaning tool and then air-dry it. Don't spend too much time as soap and moisture can easily ruin your precious and adorable doll torso.
The best tool to clean your love doll’s torso hole
The following tools are ideal for cleaning your love doll torso, maintaining its attractiveness, and disinfecting both removable and non-removable vaginas.
Shower head
If you like bathing your doll torso, consider purchasing a removable shower head. Both vaginas can be easily cleaned. All you have to do is adjust the water pressure in your shower head and make sure the water pressure is high enough. Then you can wash the doll torso faster. The smartest way is to start washing the doll's torso with cold water and then gradually heat it up while washing with soap.
vaginal pad
Vaginal cleansers are also called enema balls. Pour the soapy water, insert it into one of the holes, then squeeze easily and clean the inside. Use this tool immediately after having sex with the doll's torso to maximize the cleaning effect. Vaginal cleansers are cheap and easy to use. Place the sex doll torso somewhere that drains easily and won't stain the room.
Shower with handle
If you want a stronger cleaning power, consider purchasing a shower head with a handle. Compatible with all vaginal types and materials. After washing the love doll's torso with soapy water, gently wipe the inside of the vagina with a powder puff, and then rinse with clean water. It is recommended that experts remove all residue from the opening of the love doll's torso. Otherwise, over time, it will stink and the material of the doll's torso will become irreparably scratched. Therefore, it is important to purchase soft materials. Please note.
dropper bottle
This is a great tool for cleaning your doll's torso when you're on a budget. It is often given as a gift with purchase, but can also be purchased at a very reasonable price. You can also customize the water outlet. When cleaning with this tool, be sure to place a towel under the doll's torso to prevent water from splashing out and making it dirty. Repeat this process several times until all residue is washed away.
It's important to keep your doll's torso clean, but it's equally important to keep her body clean. Always take a shower before having sex with your love doll torso. Our bodies constantly secrete natural oils and sweat, which can damage the surface of a doll's torso over time.