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A new real doll torso with elf ears

by My Store Admin 20 Sep 2024

There are many ways to personalize your Doll, but the most unique is her elf ears. New real doll torso For example, the owner of one such doll named Leanyn decided to give the doll elf ears. Leanyn is named after the character in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. However, she is not the first elf doll. Aside from her elf ears, other RealDolls are available with features such as elf eyes.

The head is perhaps the most realistic feature of the real doll torso. Her soft, stretchy lips feel like those of a real woman. The hinged jaw opens and closes very realistically, and the soft tongue is removable. There is also a ribbed mouth cavity for added enjoyment. The company hopes that users will continue to customize their RealDoll for hours. However, before purchasing a RealDoll, make sure you know what you are getting into.

The material used for these sex doll torsos is also realistic. New real doll torso The material is silicone or TPE, which feels like it's actually there. You can hug and touch the doll while you act out your sexual fantasies with it. Using a sex doll torso for handjobs is acceptable, but you should avoid extreme behavior. Although it's a great way to have some fun with your partner, remember to keep it in its proper place.

Female Sex Doll Torso

The company behind the Harmony sex doll torso will release its first model in January. New real doll torso The animatronic talking head will have a programmable memory and personality. The company has been producing lifelike silicone sex doll torsos for 20 years. Despite their popularity, some critics see a dark side to the technology behind sex doll torsos. However, the technology behind the RealDoll is so advanced that it will soon be able to mimic the experience of a real person.

The main materials used to make these dolls are TPE, silicone, and metal. New real doll torso They can moan and talk, as well as get pregnant. It will be easier to customize these dolls to suit different people's unique tastes, but they will not replace the real thing. But if you are looking for the most realistic cute sex doll torso available, you may want to consider a custom-made one. There are many different types available, so you can get what you have always wanted.

The silicone dolls are not prone to contamination. It is best to clean them thoroughly before and after each use. Remove any accessories or tight clothing from the doll before putting it back in. If you want to pamper your doll with some baby powder, this would help. It helps maintain the suppleness of the skin. Use either classic baby powder or a cornstarch-based powder. Wait until the doll is completely dry before applying powder.

Finally, you will want to store your new real doll torso on a hanger. It is a very heavy item, weighing between 50 and 70 pounds. Make sure you enlist a friend or family member to help you move it. Don't forget to tip the delivery person. Your new RealDoll is a big responsibility and deserves a good home. But the most important thing is to enjoy it! There's no reason to let it get damaged!

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